Speed Display
Speed display - also known as Radar speed signs, driver feed back signs, speedcheck signs, radar speed displays and "Your Speed" signs among other terms - work by refocusing driver attention on their current speed. Studies show that well-designed radar speed signs are highly effective at slowing cars - particularly around school zones, neighborhood streets and work zones.
Wide range of speed display products.
Decatur Electronics Europe manufactures a wide range of speed display, radar speed display, speed dolly, speed trolly and speed trailers products. Decatur Electronics Europe has introduced industries only bi-directional data collection in our all speed calming prdocuts. We are also the only manufacturer who has encorporated Instant Feedback Function (IFF) into our Smiley Face Speed displays.

OnSite Smiley Driver Feedback / Speed Display Sign
OnSite Smiley Face Speed Display
Part Number: OnSite Smiley
More about OnSite Smiley Driver Feedback / Speed Display Sign »

OnSite 30 Radar Speed Display
OnSite 30 Speed display with built in radar and data collection function.
Part Number: OnSite 30

OnSite 230 Radar Speed Dolly
The portable OnSite 230 Radar Speed Display Sign is designed for easy positioning in areas where speeding is a concern.
Part Number: OnSite 230

OnSite 60 Marine Radar Speed Display
Onsite 60 Marine is two digit speed display with two 60 cm high digits with optional 15-20 cm high LED texts to identify speed unit e.g. Km/h, KPH, MPH or Knot. Display has built in radar and power source. Optionally unit is available with rechargeable batteries or solar panels. Automatic brightness adjustment adjusts LED brightness to fit in all lighting conditions and increases operating time when powered with battery or solar panel system.
Optional camera for recording & displaying image or video in real time with speed information!

OnSite 60 Quarry Radar Speed DIsplay
Onsite 60 Quarry is two digit speed display with two 60 cm high digits with optional 15-20 cm high LED texts to identify speed unit e.g. Km/h, KPH, MPH. Display has built in radar and power source. Optionally unit is available with rechargeable batteries or solar panels. Automatic brightness adjustment adjusts LED brightness to fit in all lighting conditions and increases operating time when powered with battery or solar panel system.

OnSite 50 Pole Mounted Speed Display
Manufactured for value, ease of use and portability.
Part Number: OnSite 50

OnSite 300 Speed Display Traile
The OnSite 300 speed trailer is a smaller version of the OnSite 350 and 400 series. The OnSite 300 is perfect for departments needing a fleet of trailers or smaller departments needing a cost-effective, high quality alternative.
Part Number: OnSite 300

OnSite 350 Speed Display Trailer
When traffic needs a speed reminder, the Decatur Electronics OnSite 350 Radar Trailer is the perfect economical solution.
Part Number: OnSite 350

OnSite 400 Variable Message & Speed Display Trailer
When traffic needs a speed monitor and customized text reminder, the Decatur Electronics OnSite 400 Radar Trailer is the perfect economical solution.
Part Number: OnSite 400
More about OnSite 400 Variable Message & Speed Display Trailer »

EzStat Data Collection & Analyzing Module
The EZ Stat is a serial module designed to gather speed data samples from the Decatur Electronics line of speed measurement products.
Part Number: EZ Stat